More than 350 million tons of rice are produced in the world every year. The color, length, aroma of rice, the place where it is grown, etc. More than 10,000 species are known for their characteristics. Among them, special varieties such as Basmati, Jasmine, Arborio and wild rice are very popular. Each type of rice is used more in different countries and in different dishes according to the taste of the palate. For example, while Basmati is used more in the East and mainly in pilafs, Arborio is more in demand in Europe, even considered an essential part of Italian cuisine, and Jasmine is used in Southeast Asia and in exotic dishes. Basmati is considered the king of them and grows only in the north of India, on the slopes of the Himalayas and in the bordering area of ​​Pakistan. What is special about basmati rice? "Bas" means fragrance in Hindu language and "Mati" means abundance. As the name suggests, Basmati rice has a unique aroma that can be felt even after cooking. The second most characteristic feature is that this rice, which is normally thin and long, becomes even longer when cooked, reaching twice its previous length. Thus, it is distinguished by its growth, aroma and taste.